What is happening in the world?

It saddens me to hear with what’s happening in the world.

Two days ago, Beirut suffered two suicide bomb attacks that left 43 killed and 239 in critical condition. It is being considered the deadliest in the capital since the end of Lebanon’s war in 1990. This incident was not covered in the press as much as the attacks on Paris. 

A bomb went off in Bagdhad and I have yet to see people’s status’ or facebook profile pictures show any support for this because not a single person whose whiteness caused the media to roar in rage. 

Korea had a peaceful protest turn into a deadly and vicious one where even their own people who are there to protect them, started to spray water with capsaicin. Even people who were not protesting, were beaten and taken to hospital. 

In the USA, two colleges were attacked by the KKK and anti-black people who threatened to shoot up any black person they saw walk on campus. They ran around shooting pellet guns and terrifying black students by yelling, “Kill all n*ggers” and yet, I have not seen the media speak on this situation either. 

In Kenya, 147 people are dead after an assault in Garissa University by al-Shabab militants. Two security guards were shot dead, shootings started on campus and then was followed by students being shot on the spot in their university classrooms. Reports say that the militants killed anyone who could not recite verses from the Koran. Where was the compassion from the media and everyone when this was happening? Do people only seem to care when white people are being murdered? POC MATTER TOO.

Yesterday, Paris was attacked by seven terror attacks by ISIS. Around 129 people have been killed and 352 are injured. People were attending a rock concert where suicide bombings had gone off and many people were in critical condition. It has come apparent that some of the attackers have actually been living in the area since 2012. A mix of suicide bombs, hostages, and even mass shootings clogged the medias attention. 

Between the first incident and this one; Paris has received the most attention from people and the media. Where is the media when over thousands of Syrian refugees are being killed every single day from terrorism? Where was the media and uproar of an audience when Mizzou College was under attack by the KKK/Anti-Black protesters? I am not here to say that we should pit incidents like these one another. Absolutely not. But I am disgusted to say I live in a world like this. Where is the peace and humanity for one another? I am sick of hearing of all the violence. I am tired.


Update: Mental Health

It’s been a little bit over a month that I’ve bene on here. The last time I wrote anything, I had my doctor put me on medication for my Depression and Anxiety Disorder. I tried to do updates on my experiences with Cipralex (Apo-Escitalopram) but lost the motivation to even go on here.

The last month or so has been something else for me. When I first started my medication, I thought it was supposed to be for the better. I felt like I was making an actual change in my life but really, I felt everything going downhill.

My medication started okay. I hadn’t felt much of a change in my mood or anything for that matter. Two-three weeks past and I started feel very irritable. I had random bursts of anger and sadness but for some reason…I just couldn’t cry. My brain had gone numb. I wanted to but my body wouldn’t allow me to. I felt like I had lost the ability to feel sad.

When I would feel anxious, my hands would shake and I’d appear very agitated. I started to lose weight but then I would gain it back in an instant. I would frequently wake up in the middle of the night crying with paranoia that the relationship with my boyfriend would fall apart any second or that parents would split and I would be left with nobody but myself. Oftentimes I’d have terrible nightmares. Nightmares where I’d be hurting myself or others around me.

Now, I haven’t had a self-harm relapse in a long while but, it was always somehow in the back of my mind to do so. It sucked. I felt like the life was taken out of me. I felt like it was time to see my doctor and talk about my “progress.”

November 12, 2015 I went to see my family doctor. I told her what has been going on. I had a lack of sexual interest, self harm thoughts, nightmares, etc. She recommended that I should switch over to another medication called Zoloft. She said, “1 pill per day for 7 days and then after the week was done, 2 pills per day for 45 days.” Now, I’m not so keen on changes. It takes a while for me to get used to. 

It is now November 13, 2015 and I haven’t started my new meds. I will be doing so tonight. It’s been a full day without any medication and my body has me severely tired. I haven’t left my bed unless it was for food or to use the washroom. I’ve been sleeping all day but I thought it would be finally appropriate to keep this updated. I’m not dead so there’s that.

I had a relapse last night with self-harm though. My boyfriend was super tired last night and couldn’t tuck me into bed he had mentioned. It made me feel alone and like I wasn’t important enough. I started crying in the car as he drove me home last night but of course, my crying changed his mind. We have a deal that every night he must tuck me in. It makes me feel safe and loved. We got home and I went to the bathroom. I’m not sure what may have triggered it but I cut myself. It wasn’t my fault and it definitely wasn’t his. I have to work on that.

I’m hoping that this new medication helps me. I’m going to try to keep this blog updated to the best of my abilities.

Medication: Day One & Two -September 23-24

So, yesterday I went into the city to speak to my doctor about my current mental health state. If any of you have read my Mental Health Journey post; then, you would know that my mental health has increased and worsened throughout the years.

My doctor and I spoke about when I felt it first started (anxiety, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, etc). The first time I can remember wanting to never being born and truly hating myself was when I was around 9-11 years old. I always felt like the smallest things were my fault, I over analyzed everything and I always felt so alone in the dark. I’ve never been the kind of person to speak about my problems out loud due to the fear of being shut out or told they weren’t important enough.

When the bullying the started, I was so afraid and I felt like such a loser. I had this feeling of constantly being overwhelmed and stuck in this air tight space.

Now, the years have passed and I wouldn’t say I’m completely recovered but I’m not as bad as I used to be. I have tried to stop with the self harm (although, I’ve had some relapses) and I’ve tried to make myself happier by surrounding myself with good people, “trying” to eat better and just doing things that I enjoy. But, I definitely still feel like I’m trapped and someone is constantly jabbing and pulling at my heart strings, purposely creating storms in my tummy and thoughts of worthlessness and the haunted feeling of being a nobody.

My doctor has always been there for me. She’s definitely my favourite doctor I have ever been to as well. When I speak to her, she listens carefully and with love in her heart, she calms me down and speaks to me as if I was her own child. Which is by the far the best feeling for me. I don’t want a doctor who speaks to me just to get the words out so they can get what they want. I need constant reassurance that everything will be okay and I need someone with genuine kindness in their heart that they truly want to help.

We spoke about my anxiety ridden days, days where I don’t get out of bed, times when I just don’t eat and other times where I eat all the time. We spoke about how the longest I’ve gone without a shower was 5 days because I was too anxious and depressed to even open my eyes to see everything around me or to even let my feet touch the ground. We spoke about how when I have panic attacks; I get aggressive and angry. I start yelling and push everyone away.

My anxiety attacks are like tiny, little bombs that are ready to explode. I could be doing my own thing and then suddenly, a sudden rush of fear and panic comes over me and I’m sitting there crying.

We ended our conversation with the decision that I was going to start medication for both my Generalized Anxiety Disorder & my Depression. As of right now, I’m taking Apo-Escitalopram (10mg).

After my appointment ended, I decided to take my first pill. My doctor made me note that the first few times taking it, will result in minor nausea and dizziness. Which I automatically felt on my way back home. It resulted in me being incredibly fatigue, hungry but not having the urge to eat, and throwing up the moment I got home. At least falling asleep wasn’t hard for me last night.

This morning, I woke up with slightly feeling light headed but I felt okay. I think I’m going to be okay. I took my pill for today at 5pm and I didn’t feel sick. That’s improvement.

I’m hoping to find enough motivation to sit here and write about my journey with medication but this is a start. Thanks for reading.

GRWM: Work Edition Makeup

So, today I filmed a Get Ready With Me: Work Edition video for my youtube for the following look:

Photo on 2015-09-16 at 4.18 PM #2

The products I used are as follows:
-Dead Sea Elements~Moisturizing Day Cream
-Essence clear brow gel
-Ebay cream contour kit to define eyebrows
-BH Cosmetics~Missy Lynn Palette to help add more colour to brows
-Essence I ♥ Stage Eyeshadow Primer
-Missy Lynn Palette in the “Burnt Sienna” colour lookalike to add definition to the crease
-Essence 2 in 1 eyeliner pen
-Essence Match 2 Cover cream concealer
-Marcell’s BB Cream in Medium to Dark & KVD’s Lock It Tattoo Foundation in Medium 57
-Aesthetica Cosmetics Powder Contour Kit
-Revlon Cream Blush in the colour “Coral Reef”
-MAC’s Dazzle Lipstick in the colour “Glaringly Hip”
-Revlon Photography Eye Art-Gold Glitter Gel

❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥❤ ❥

The dazzle blue halter top I am wearing in the video is from: http://depop.com/littleegg1991

You can also view my 90s inspired clothing, shoes and accessory store here: http://depop.com/shopantivibes. I do international shipping and every order comes with free goodies. (:

25 Facts About Me

So, I know I haven’t been on in a couple of days and that’s because I’ve had a few days off work, so I had time to spend with my boyfriend. I’ve also been having a lot more sales in last two days on my store through Depop. (: Which I can link below if you are interested in checking it out!


1. Do you have any pets? I don’t actually “own” any pets at my house because my mom doesn’t allow me to but since I’ve wanted a hamster for a while; my boyfriend ended up buying me one. (:
2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you. Lisa Frank stickers, parcel envelopes for purchases from my store & also tattoo lotion to help them heal.
3. What’s the weather like right now? It’s been incredibly muggy, humid and sticky outside. For a few days it was chilly and now I’m really wishing it was fall all year long. I can’t stand the heat.
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed? I don’t even have my driver license.
5. What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up around 12pm since I worked at 2pm and I wanted to get enough sleep in.
6. When was the last time you showered? This morning. I’m in need of one right now actually.
7. What was the last movie you saw? Last movie? Like last FULL movie? Monsters University with my boyfriend. SO GOOD.
8. What does your last text message say? “What time tomorrow are we planning on going so I can check!” My friend Will and I are planning currently to go to the movies tomorrow:-)
9. What’s your ringtone? I literally don’t even have one. It’s one of those standard IPhone ones.
10. Have you ever been to a different country? I haven’t travelled for a really long time and I’m not a fan of it either. Last time I “travelled” or even went on a plane was when I moved to Canada in 2004; which isn’t even a big deal.
11. Do you like sushi? California rolls are my life.
12. Where do you buy your groceries? Costco. I like the free food samples.
13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? I once took Melatonin. It knocked me out in 15 minutes. Never fallen asleep so quickly in my life.
14. How many siblings do you have? I’m a lonely ol’ chap.
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? MAC Laptop. Which to be quite frank; are not that great.
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? THE BIG 2 0. I’m getting old.
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Neither. I remember when I was younger, for some reason, I would fake having bad eyesight because I REALLY wanted to wear glasses LOL. I was a weirdo.
18. Do you color your hair? Not as much as I used to in high school. I had every possible colour for my hair back then.
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today. Finish this blog post & watch Netflix for the rest of the night until I manage to pass out.
20. When was the last time you cried? The day before yesterday. I happen to be emotionally unstable at least 95% of the time LOL
21. What is your perfect pizza topping? PINEAPPLE & BACON.
22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers? I’m not so huge on burgers but I really love anything with cheese.
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter? Since I was 13.
24. What is your eye color? Poop brown.
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? I don’t even drink soda?

You can view my store here: ShopAntiVibes I sell 90’s inspired clothing, shoes and accessories and also offer international shipping.

I will be posting a tattoo tag very soon!


Depression is nothing but a journey

When I was about 9 years old; my mother and I moved to Canada. It was one of the best decisions made for our family. My mom had always thought Canada was a beautiful country with so many open opportunities for us to experience.

During the first two months of our stay, my mother tried to find a job. My mother had always been a very hard worker and I thank her for that. Since we had first moved to Canada in July, she found an Elementary School for me to attend. At the time we weren’t living far away but also not close to my school. I started to attend it in September and I was put into Grade 4.

Grade 4 seemed a little hard for me. I had one teacher who I really felt disliked me. I wasn’t very good at math and she would talk down to me. I never said anything because I felt like that was normal because she was a teacher. In Grade 4, I didn’t have many friends. I always thought I was a bit different than everyone. Not a lot of people wanted to talk to me, nor did I really hang out with anybody during recess. I did talk or I sometimes would hang out with these 4 girls that were my friends up until Grade 8 when we graduated and we lost touch.

Elementary school wasn’t awful but it wasn’t great. I always felt more in touch with those older than me, than those my age. I couldn’t hold a conversation with anyone. I guess you could say I was in my “awkward preteen phase.” I remember that some people weren’t so nice to me or would bash me for being myself. On occasions, I had people bully me for being “too skinny.” The occasional backhanded compliment where people would take my wrists and wrap their fingers around it saying things like, “Oh wow! You’re so thin!”, “You need to eat”, or “I could break you! You’re basically a twig.” I remember not liking it a lot and going home to cry because I felt terrible about myself. I never understood what mental health was until High School crept unto me slowly.

Applying for High School came around and everyone in my graduating class were going to the same schools. Everyone but me and another girl applied for an All Girl school. You can already tell that was a bad idea.

Anyways, first week at this prestigious all girl school came around and I was excited to get away from those people in Elementary and make new friends. Boy, was I wrong. Everyone at my school was so beautiful and popular and here I was; this skinny, awkward teen with a hideous bowl cut. I was never a big fan of myself. I would frequently be teased for being thin, having a flat chest, random things, etc. I did make some “friends” though. I was never the kind of person who liked having girl friends. A lot of my guy friends from Elementary attended the all boy school down the road, which was great.

I can’t remember a lot about High School but I do remember meeting this boy on the bus who asked, “I’ve never seen you on this bus before. Are you new at [insert school name here]?” He was the most kind-hearted person I knew, he always asked me how I was, how I was liking school, and if I needed someone to talk to; that’d he’d be there. He was the kind of person that would bring smiles to everyone’s faces and make jokes when things were hard. He also worked at the supermarket near where I lived, so whenever I’d go to the train station; I’d see him sometimes and he’d accompany me to the station so that I’d be safe. I’ll always remember him.

Fast forward Grade 10 since Grade 9 was pretty much uneventful. In Grade 10, I sort of became friends with this girl who was a little intimidating. Everyone seemed to like her so, I did too. I kind of thought she had a really badass attitude which came off as disrespectful half the time but I didn’t care. I wanted her to be my friend for some odd reason. I became friends with what you would call, “bad seeds.” I started to associate myself with the raving scene from where I was from. While, I never really went to events, I knew a lot of people from there. Majority of them only really wanted to go to these events so they could do drugs. Drugs always seem like a good idea until you get stuck with the bad end of the stick.

In Grade 10, I began to smoke weed at any chance I was given. I hung out with this group of girls who would go out at lunch time to go smoke by the ravine near the school. I would tag along. I started to be a little rebellious. I also wanted to get my nose pierced. So, I got a girl to do it for me in the washroom at school. Pretty stupid idea, to be honest. 10/10 don’t recommend.

Now, before we get into my rebellious phase, I want to speak about how weed can have many different effects on people. In my case, it’s what triggered my depression and my anxiety. (Let’s leave my anxiety for another story.) 

Depression came over me like a black massive hole that covered me in shame, and disgust about myself which caused me to start self harming. I felt like no one really liked me or wanted to be around me. I felt like a waste of space and I felt utterly disgusted with myself. I hated myself and what I became. I would look in the mirror and feel putrified at what I saw looking back at me. I felt like self harm was my only way out to feel something. To feel anything. I started to suffer from mild hallucinations but I just thought that was the side effect of smoking so, I never thought anything of it.

The summer before Grade 11 came and I began to lost friends. You can imagine that being at an all girl school causes some drama and brings the ugly out in everyone. People spoke bad about me, and I spoke bad about them. I didn’t care. I didn’t like anyone. I felt like everyone was too much of a two faced person; therefore, you couldn’t trust them. One moment, these girls would speak to me and be nice, the next moment they’re against you and pretend that you don’t exist. It made me feel shitty. Somehow, someone told that one girl who was intimidating that I experimented with drugs outside of weed when I would go to raves which was a complete lie. She then made a post on Facebook saying that I was a liar, that I was asking for attention and that if she would ever see me, that she would “beat the living shit out of me.” All these girls from my school, liked her status and started laughing along with her. You don’t even have to know how that made me feel. It was a threat and I had to get out of there. So I transferred to a new school.

I basically ran away from the problem instead of fixing it. I started getting anxious at the most random times. I started feeling worse about myself and began contemplating that if I were to disappear, no one would care. I never spoke to my parents about my problems since I didn’t want them to worry about me.

Grade 11 was supposed to be the start of something new, the start of a new experience, and new people to surround myself with. After all the events that happened to me at the all girl school still made me feel terrible so, I kept to myself until I met a group of people who made me feel great and they called me their friend. So, that was pretty cool.

I wanted to make the next two years something rememberable. I tried out for the cheerleading team where I made some awesome friends. There was a little bit of drama but it was worth it because I made connection with some amazing people. I also somehow managed to get the guys in my friend group to join! One day after practice, my friends and I were hanging outside by this tree near the bus stop and I noticed this boy who kept peering over at me. His eyes were the most wonderful colour of chocolate brown. He had these freckles all over his face and nose and this great smile that wowed me completely. Let’s call him Freckles for the sake of it.

Freckles and I started to hang out a lot more, I got feelings for him and he got feelings for me. We started to date. I thought he was the most amazing person ever to come into my life. He treated me right, he made great jokes, we had lots of things in common, etc. He was really into mechanics and went to a College for this program that allowed the school’s mechanic division to enter into this yearly competition. I would only see him twice a week due to his commitment.

You know how I mentioned that I thought he was the most amazing person? I was wrong.

He became emotionally abusive. His friends would make jokes and when I would laugh, he’d respond, “Was anyone talking to you? No. So why are you laughing?” I loved him completely but I would allow him to walk all over me like a doormat. When I made him aware of my depression, he would laugh & tell me, “Get over it” or when I told him that sometimes I would self harm, he would say, “That’s revolting. Why would you ever do that to yourself?” He was never supportive but I would always do everything for him. When he was sick? Yeah, I would skip school to go take care of him. He needed advice? I’d bust my ass to help. He never deserved me but I still let him emotionally abuse me.

The one thing I will never forget is that he cheated on me. He cheated on me and lied to my face. He told me that a girl kissed him in his program and because he didn’t want to be “rude”, he kissed her back. I forgave him. But I respected myself to let him go. Oh and the worst part out of everything; one week after we broke up, he started dating his best friend. Which means that they were talking when we were dating. But I respect that. I respect their relationship. I wanted the best for him and I felt like I was draining the life out him at the same time as I was with myself.

Months go by. I stopped eating. I stopped caring. He completely dragged the life and motivation out of me. He emotionally abused me and I completely lost it. I cried for weeks at a time, lost the motivation to go to school. The self harm got worse, I contemplated suicide on numerous occasions. I didn’t want to be here. Not because we broke up, but because he broke me. It was as if he took my heart, threw it on the ground and stomped on it.

I was angry. I became selfish. I became emotionless. I became this rock that couldn’t cry, that couldn’t laugh or couldn’t feel. It was like this dark hole sucked me in and took the life out of me. I eventually found a way to help myself forget it. I found this band that changed everything, that helped me find a way out of this feeling. Their name? Being As An Ocean. They mean everything and will forever mean something to me.

I graduated and applied to College for Art. Art has been my passion since I was younger. I didn’t think I was Picasso or anything but I knew I had talent. Assignments came rolling in and it was like a slap in the face. I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t even find the right way to express myself on canvas or paper. I felt like I had lost the one thing that meant the most to me. So, before everything became worse; I dropped out of school. 

Then Winter came over and the roads were covered in this white, angelic dust. The nights were pinks and purples, the days were sunny and cold. I woke up one morning and I went on Facebook and found out that the boy who introduced himself to me in high school on the bus passed away in his sleep. I have never felt a wave of shock before, I had a big lump in my throat and I didn’t know what fear was until I see those posts flooding my feed. I stayed away from his profile for weeks. I didn’t know how to react. I was at loss. He meant a lot to me. He was there for me when I asked for it. He even introduced me to a lot of people. Not a single tear came out. I was angry. I was upset that he was taken away. He was so made out of light and love, he spread his positivity everywhere he went. He was the one who told me that “Everything will be okay if you allow time to take over.” He was right. Time is the best thing. You can’t expect change if you don’t allow yourself to see change.

I haven’t gotten much better with my mental health since all of that happened. I experience mild hallucinations and hear voices, I suffer from severe depression that can cause difficulty in my everyday life, and I’m anxious constantly. Panic attacks come over me and take control of my thoughts, actions and words. It feels like I’m dying. I can’t breathe and I become disoriented. I wake up in the mornings and I have knots in my stomach. I feel like throwing up. Sometimes I just want to stay in bed all day, I sleep for up to 14-16 hours a night, I don’t eat a lot. Mental Health can cause a lot arduous strain. It’s like walking around with a massive weight on top. But I will never allow my mental health to define who I am. I am a strong person and I will continue to fight. It IS possible to get better.

Below I will be sharing some very helpful links if yourself, family or friends are having a hard time understanding themselves or their mental health.

Thank you for reading.












A Response to ‘Women Against Feminism.’


Imagine this:

The year is 2014. You are a white Western woman. You wake up in the morning in a comfortably sized house or flat. You have a full or part-time job that enables you to pay your rent or mortgage. You have been to school and maybe even college or university as well. You can read and write and count. You own a car or have a driver’s licence. You have enough money in your own bank account to feed and clothe yourself. You have access to the Internet. You can vote. You have a boyfriend or girlfriend of your choosing, who you can also marry if you want to, and raise a family with. You walk down the street wearing whatever you feel like wearing. You can go to bars and clubs and sleep with whomever you want.

Your world is full of freedom and possibility.

Then you…

View original post 1,415 more words

Oppressive terms that need to leave your vocabulary IMMEDIATELY

Everyone has experienced some sort of oppression at one point in their lives. Whether it’s something being used against you due to your race, language, religion, sexuality, etc.

What is oppression?

Oppression is an unjust, cruel or even a negative way to treat somebody or something. 

For example: While white people are seen as very privileged in society; but they can also be oppressed for certain things. One of those things can be because they are gay/lesbian/bi/etc. Sexuality is a very touchy subject because it seen as the devil’s work. Another example of oppression can be the unjust connotation that all Muslim people are terrorists. Oppression can go on and on and on.

As a society we are taught that using oppressive language is okay. That it won’t hurt anybody, even though it’s the complete opposite. So, here are a few terms that you should get rid of in your vocabulary!

Mayo– While yes, I have used this as a way to describe white people before as a joke; I never knew that until recently that the word Mayo derives from an Mexican Indigenous tribe of people living in the states of Sonora and Sinaloa. Using this term as a negative slur against whites; The Mayo people can also take offence to the term being loosely thrown around.

Although, I am not too sure if I can use this term freely since I was born in Mexico. (I’ll keep you updated on that.)

Retarted– Mental disability is a low than average intelligence or lack of mental ability skills that are useful for day-to-day living. Many children and even adults suffer from Intellectual Disability which in many cases; they get ridiculed and bullied for. Someone’s mental disability is not a choice and using the word “retarded” as an adjective to describe something that’s “dumb” or “unable to work” is a form of Ableism.

Gay– This one seems to be a popular term for the kids. Have you ever overheard a friend say, “Oh man! That’s so gay”? Me too. This is a touchy subject for those of this sexuality. Again, someone’s personal choice should not be used as an adjective. Believe it or not; it is a form of Homophobia. But you? Homophobic? I know what you’re going to say, “My best friend is gay!!! So, I can say the word GAY.” Newsflash. You can’t. Not until you, yourself are a person of homosexuality; you do not have the right to use oppressive language.

OCD/Depression/Or Any Kind of Mental Illness- People who live with mental health (including myself) are surrounded by this negative cloud of stigma surrounding them. Using a mental illness to describe a “bad day” and saying, “Today was boring. It was depressing”, is not OK. When people use mental health as an adjective to describe mainly anything; it kind of says, “Mental health doesn’t exist until I say it does.” In society, we are told to be ashamed of our personal problems and not talk about it BUT the moment someone who doesn’t experience or suffer from it says anything remotely concerning mental health and everyone turns heads and says, “OH NO ARE YOU OKAY?!?” People with depression can really be triggered by the smallest things, and jokingly throwing around the term “depressed” can make less of their struggle. Same thing goes with loosely throwing the word OCD around.

Rape This one really grinds my gears. Ever heard someone say, “Man, I totally raped that test!” or “We totally raped them in COD!”? Rape culture is so among us to the point where if a woman or a man was raped; the first thing that us, as a society ask is, “Well…what were you wearing?” or “It’s not considered rape if you’re a man. Man up. Guys are supposed to like sex.” Let’s just get one thing straight: RAPE IS NOT SEX. SEX IS CONSENSUAL. RAPE IS NOT.

I’m so tired of hearing people blame the victim for being sexually assaulted. Why are you SO concerned about what they are wearing or if they were drunk instead of being concerned that why did this sexual violator do this to them? Why are you adding to rape culture when children, women and even men get sexually assaulted every day? WHY ARE YOU NOT PISSED OFF?

You can view the statistics of sexual assault and their perpetrators HERE.


I hope you learned something today! Try using this new information to help educate yourself and those around you. Only we can make a difference if we try.

*If I missed any other terms, I would love to know which ones.*

I Am Indigo North


Recently an old friend of mine from High School had created a wonderful blog and started posting her thoughts and such. I guess you can say she inspired me to start a blog of my own! So I decided to start with the cliche “Get To Know Me Tag” *sigh*

1. What is your middle name?: Mildred. My mom was living in Germany and she heard the name a lot so she thought it was a good fit for me!

2. What was favorite subject at school?: I’m a really big Art and English snob. I also really enjoyed History. (:

3. What is your favorite drink?: Joe’s Green Tea! It’s perfect for a hot day.

4. What is your favorite song at the moment?: Not necessarily a song but I’m really digging Tove Lo’s album, “Queen of the Clouds.” I usually dislike mainstream music but this one is just so catchy.

5. What is your favorite food?: CHEETOS.

6. What is the last thing you bought?: I eat a lot so it was food hah.

7. Favorite book of all time?: I love anything that Stephen King wrote. I’m also a sucker for the Twilight series. *Shhh* Don’t tell anybody 😉

8. Favorite Color?: *Shade. See? I told you I was an art snob. My favourite shade is Black. But if we’re speaking about colours; then it’s blue.

9. Do you have any pets?: I have a hamster named Mr. Fuzzbutt. I have no imagination when it comes to naming animals LOL

10. Favorite Perfume?: Currently, my mom has been making homemade sprays from essential oils. So, lately I’ve been using a spray that has a mix of lavender, lemongrass and something else. It smells great.

11. Favorite Holiday?: I like Halloween the most. I don’t celebrate it much but I love the idea of it.

12. Are you married?: Married to Taco Bell.

13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: I’m not so keen on travelling. Being in a car for more than an hour makes me incredibly anxious.

14. Do you speak any other language?: I speak fluent Spanish and English. I can also do basic ASL.

15. How many siblings do you have?: Zero. Let’s keep it that way.

16. What is your favorite shop?: The Black Market which is this grungy, 90s thrift shop in downtown Toronto. At least 85% of my clothes are from there. I’m also an internet shopping addict.

17. Favorite restaurant?: East Side Mario’s.

18. When was the last time you cried?: I had an anxiety attack two days ago in my kitchen. So yeah.

19. Favorite Blog?: I just started this so I’m not too sure. I’m hoping to find a few (:

20. Favorite Movie?: Texas Chainsaw & Halloween. I live for horror movies.

21. Favorite TV shows?: I really love Bones, Pretty Little Liars, Adventure Time & Bob’s Burgers. Other than that, I don’t really watch TV.

22. PC or Mac?: Mac.

23. What phone do you have?: iPhone 5c. It’s a piece of crap now.

24. How tall are you?: 5’4″ or 5″5

25. Can you cook?: I can make good grilled chz tbh